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Kittyventure Adventure Harness, Cat Harness and Leash, 47 - 70 Inches


Cat Harness/ cats and leashes/ cat harness and leash Indoor cats don't get as much exercise as those that roam outside, which can make them chubby and unhealthy. Being cooped up inside all day can leave cats feeling super bored. And when they're bored, they can get into all sorts of mischief, like...



Cat Harness/ cats and leashes/ cat harness and leash

Indoor cats don't get as much exercise as those that roam outside, which can make them chubby and unhealthy. Being cooped up inside all day can leave cats feeling super bored. And when they're bored, they can get into all sorts of mischief, like scratching up your furniture or chewing on things they shouldn't.

KittyVenture Adventure Harness empowers you to safely and comfortably take your cats outside, allowing them to explore the world and exercise their natural instincts. 

  • Exercise and Enrichment: Cats need regular exercise and mental stimulation. A harness provides a controlled way for indoor cats to get exercise, explore new environments, and engage their senses.

  • Preventing Escapes: Some cats are skilled escape artists, and they may find ways to slip out of the house or yard. A harness with a secure fit can help prevent these escapes while allowing supervised outdoor time.

  • Stressful Vet Visits: Many cats become stressed when it's time to visit the veterinarian. Harness training can help make vet trips less traumatic, as cats become more accustomed to wearing a harness and being handled.

  • Travel and Transport: When traveling with a cat, a harness can be useful for safely transferring them in and out of carriers or vehicles. It also provides an added layer of security during travel stops.

Products Sizes:
S - 47 inches
M - 70 inches